Announcing the 2nd Annual Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC) Ducky Derby! The event will be held on Saturday May 9th at McCleod Lake, Weber Point in Downtown Stockton!
Fun begins at 10:30 am, race start at 11 am. This year we are adding a Health & Safety Fair so stick around after the race for some family fun. Also we will be next door to the Stockton Police Department’s Public Safety Day in Weber Point! Rain or shine, bring a blanket and your picnic lunch. Float a duck and help strengthen CAPC families! The CAPC Ducky Derby Race is a rubber duck free-for-all at McCleod Lake, Weber Point in downtown Stockton.
Thousands of individually numbered rubber ducks will bob through the watercourse in a race to the finish. If the rubber ducky with your number on it is among one of the first ten ducks to the finish line, you will win one of ten sensational prizes! Join us for a free morning of fun at Weber Point in downtown Stockton! All proceeds from the event and race benefit the CAPC of San Joaquin County. Clcik HERE for more info.